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Writer's pictureLauren Gale

Highlighting your offer: The Sanity-Saving Benefits of a Quote Comparison Checklist.

When it comes to winning work and standing out from the competition, it is crucial to clearly highlight our offer and demonstrate why clients should choose us.

But are we doing this effectively enough? Especially in the current climate where the cheapest quote always seems to win out.

A few weeks ago, a builder I hadn’t worked with before asked me to provide a quote for concept drawings.

We were recommended to him by a long-time client who sang our praises. (Amazing! 🙌 Thanks for the shout out guys!)

Another designer I know of was also asked to provide a quote for the same job.

I’m familiar with this other (very lovely) designer, I know their package prices and inclusions, and I can confidently say that they do not offer nearly as much value as we do.

*I’m not biased at all* 😅

But isn’t that the point? After 7 years and with over 400+ projects under my belt I am a little biased about what we do.

If you’ve spoken with me you’ll know that I have a strong belief in the value we offer each and every one of our clients but it got me thinking….how can someone who’s never worked with us before appreciate the value we provide or the expertise we bring if we don’t show them.

Given our good reputation among this group of builders, I assumed that it would be enough to secure the job. Consequently, I sent my quote through without truly selling our service and explaining why he should choose to work with us.

The quote from the other designer came back cheaper than mine, and as you guessed it... they were awarded the job.

First up, I want to say that I’m grateful for the honest feedback that I received from the builder on price. The feedback essentially consisted of…..”the homeowner went with the cheapest option” 😒

Secondly, I understand that there may have been other factors that influenced his decision, which he did not share with me but upon further reflection, I realized that I didn’t effectively convey our value proposition or highlight the full extent of our exceptional offer.

If we fail to inform people about the details of our offer and the reasons they should choose to work with us, there is a higher likelihood that they may opt for the cheapest quote available.

How can they appreciate the value we provide or the expertise we bring if we don’t tell them.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you knew your offer was superior, but the clients accepted a cheaper quote that lacked crucial elements (or at least clarification that those crucial elements were included in the quote), which ultimately led to them spending more money?

It can be frustrating and disheartening to see clients choose a cheaper option without fully understanding the potential drawbacks.

Here's the thing: as industry professionals, it is our responsibility to educate our clients. If we fail to do so, some other cowboy will!

Here are 3 reasons why we need to ensure that we are effectively conveying our value proposition and how incorporating a quote comparison checklist alongside our quote can increase the chances of winning work.

Demonstrating Value and Expertise

Clients often make decisions based on the perceived value they will receive from a service or product. By clearly highlighting what we offer in our quotes, we can educate clients about the value we bring. This includes showcasing our expertise, unique selling points, and the benefits of choosing our service. When clients understand the value we offer, they are more likely to appreciate our expertise and the reasons we stand out from the crowd.

Transparency and Clear Communication

Transparency and clear communication are key factors in building trust with clients. By including all the necessary information in our quotes, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency. This includes being open about the features and limitations of our offer. Clear and concise communication allows clients to easily grasp the value we bring and how we differentiate ourselves from competitors. When clients feel informed and understand what sets us apart, they are more likely to choose us over other options.

The Power of Comparison

Clients often request quotes from multiple providers to compare their options. This is where a quote comparison checklist becomes invaluable. By providing clients with a simple checklist that highlights the key features and benefits of our offer, we make it easy for them to see the value we bring. The checklist prompts clients to consider the details and differences of each quote, empowering them to make informed decisions based on their specific needs and preferences. This not only increases their understanding of our offer, but also helps them appreciate the value we provide.

By including a quote comparison checklist with your offer, you can position yourself as the top choice for clients. This checklist clearly outlines the essential elements included in your quote, demonstrating to clients the superior value they will receive.

Furthermore, this presents a great opportunity to address any concerns or misconceptions that clients may have regarding your quote. Take the time to explain the specific features and services that are included, as well as any exclusions, to ensure that they understand the comprehensive nature of your offer.

Remember, it's not about being cheaper; it's about providing the best overall value and showcasing where that value lies. By effectively communicating and clearly presenting the advantages of your offer, you can help clients make informed decisions, build trust through transparency, and ultimately win the work.

x Lauren

Grab your Canva template of our Quote Comparison Checklist here.

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