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Writer's pictureLauren Gale

5 tips to get you started on your next home renovation

Are you thinking about renovating your home?

Whether you're considering a small update or a complete overhaul, here are five tips that will start you off on the right foot!

1) Gather your ideas.

What would you like to see (or not see) in your new space? If you don’t have a crystal-clear idea of what you want, you’re not alone.

Pinterest is a great place to source inspiration and save images that you like right on your phone. This is really handy to have when discussing your ideas with your designer, builder or helpful shop assistant.

When searching Pinterest for inspiration, think about what stands out to you in each image… is it the colour of the cabinets? The style? The tiling? Or maybe the layout of the room itself? Take note. You'll start to see a pattern and your style will soon reveal itself.

2) Take your time.

I understand the excitement and desire to get things moving quickly, I do! – but I encourage you to sit with your plans or ideas for a number of weeks and think about how the proposed renovations will affect you and your family on a daily basis.

The design process is the time to feel out different ideas, ask questions and more importantly, allow some time for those ideas to mature. Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board if things don’t feel right or you stumble upon a better option.

In the long run, you’ll be pleased you gave yourself a little more time and I can guarantee you’ll be happier with the outcome.

3) Be honest about budget.

As industry professionals it’s our role to understand your needs and wants for the space… but it’s important that we understand your budget too.

Don’t be afraid to let us know how much you are willing to spend. I know there is a tendency for homeowners to keep this sacred figure a secret, after all, it is your hard-earned cash! But in the end, being vague about budget can be a hindrance for all parties involved.

By communicating your budget upfront and being honest about the amount of money you are willing to spend, you can ensure that your team is able to design and build accordingly and make informed decisions about the materials and products they recommend you use. This will enable them to deliver a proposal that fits within your allocated budget, while still achieving the desired aesthetic and function of your space.

4) Know where your compromise is.

Compromise is another important aspect of the design process.

It's important to provide your team with a clear brief so they can assess the work required and provide suitable solutions that are feasible and fit within your budget. This often comes with compromise.

Do your best to determine which aspects of the design are a priority and which can be adjusted or dialed back if need be. Nobody likes surprises, so it’s best to let your team know upfront where you are willing to make concessions in order to create an overall plan that everyone is happy with.

If you’re prepared to compromise and have an understanding on where that is within your brief, then you won’t be so heartbroken when it comes to making tough decisions later on.

5) Decide on your plan of attack.

When it comes to tackling a renovation project it's important to weigh up your options.

There are three main paths to consider:

  • DIY (do-it-yourself)

  • Self Project Manage (by homeowner)

  • Full Service Package (provide by a specialist renovation team)

DIY: If you're looking to go it alone and embrace the DIY life for your renovation (while sourcing assistance from qualified trades where required) there are some things to consider first. Doing all or most of the work yourself will require a significant time commitment and you'll need to have a good knowledge of the tools and materials you'll be using. It's also important to do research into safety procedures and plan for any contingencies.

PROJECT MANAGE: Many renovators opt to hire trades and manage the project themselves, which can have mixed results. Project management is an important skill for any successful renovation, and DIY enthusiasts should consider if they have the time, resources and knowledge to effectively manage their project team.

FULL SERVICE: Alternatively, you could opt to hire a specialist renovation team who provide a full-service design, build and installation package. They will manage the entire process from concept to completion, working with you to ensure you get the best out of your budget.

Whichever path you choose, it’s important to keep in mind that any type of home improvement project requires careful planning and clear expectations so think about what makes sense in terms of budget, time frame and skillset when deciding on your plan of attack.

With all these options, having a clear set of concept drawings from the outset means that everyone is singing from the same song sheet, right from the beginning.

Without them, we'd all be at sea.

x Lauren

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Are you a homeowner looking for help?

We know that working with an experienced designer can make all the difference. Find out here why partnering with us to create concept drawings before contacting a builder can save you time and money, ensuring your renovation starts on the right foot.

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